Episode #37: DC Comics Presents #37 (Superman & Hawkgirl)

Episode 37

Episode #37 (Superman & Hawkgirl)

This time out, we’ll be getting into DC Comics Presents #37. We’ll begin the episode with some Listener Feedback, plus a new I-Tunes review.  (there’s also some new begging for feedback and I-Tunes reviews!)  A little different “Russell’s Comic Brag” segment.  Not based on a single comic/comic series, but a listener’s comic gift to me.  I will be presenting a Spotlight for Superman’s Guest, Hawkgirl.  Our “Whatever Happened To..?” segment will delve into Rip Hunter Time Master where I will have a Spotlight Extra on Rip as well as the story itself.  I had to do another Hostess Ad (not too bad, if I do say so myself!)  And finally, we will take a trip to the Comic Spinner Rack.

2 comments on “Episode #37: DC Comics Presents #37 (Superman & Hawkgirl)

  1. Pingback: May 15, 2016: The DC Comics Presents Show Podcast – Episode #37 – Superman Homepage

  2. On the main story, the team-up of Superman with Hawkgirl, I have only one question. Why would Hawkgirl need to come up with a “story” to tell Hawkman about the damage to her wings? Wouldn’t the actual story of this adventure be explanation enough for him?
    I’m glad to hear that you got another good iTunes review. I hope anyone who listens to the podcast via iTunes would take a moment or two to post a review. Maybe you have a lot of listeners who listen directly through your web page, or through other podcatchers.
    As for the “Whatever Happened to?” segment, I’ve always enjoyed Rip Hunter, and I’m a big, big fan of “Legends of Tomorrow”. If someone had told me, when I was a lad, that, someday, Rip Hunter would be featured in a weekly TV series, I’d have been astonished. I’d certainly not have been surprised to hear that there were Superman movies, and the Marvel movies, and that Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, and even Daredevil would be on TV, but I’d NEVER have guessed that Rip Hunter would. We are fortunate to live in what is, in some ways, a Golden Age. (Not THE Golden Age, but A Golden Age) Huzzah! Thanks for being a part of that Golden Age, whether or not it involves the golden goodness of Twinkies. 😉


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